Monday, March 16, 2009


I was thinking about this idea way back when I had to write my personal mission statement (which is posted on my facebook). These are five areas of calling on my life. I don't know if I really like the term "calling," but I'll use it for lack of a better term. Also, I don't think these are the end-all be-all, but they're just the current things that seem to be somehow important.

Writing I've always had a thing for narrative. I used to want to be a writer, but somehow thought that had to be writing fiction, which I enjoy but don't seem to be particularly good at. Lately since I've been back in school, I've just realized that I HAVE to write. I just have to. Whatever that means, I'm pretty sure it's my destiny. Haha, my professor basically told me so too, so it's not just me.

Church I'm not sure if this is my spiritual gift or what, but I just have sense for things that are wrong with the the church as a whole. They get under my skin...

Money I have a very strong sense of responsibility when it comes to money. Like if God keeps giving it to me, I have to make sure I put it to good use. I'm also a big fan of tithing.

Administration I'm good at administration. As in, I'm good with details, order, procedure, managing projects, etc.

Social Justice I think God calls us to respond to injustice in the world. What does that have to do with me? Well, I'm trying to figure that out...

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